A downloadable game for Windows

The black death has rise, once again.

You're back in the Middle Ages, back in 1351.

A doctor, Machaviel Schneider, trying to develop a concoction to save himself from the terrible disease which he is already infected with. Sacrifice of his family and friends are mandatory, or necessary?

Unfortunately, fate is not in anyone's hands as even us game developers could not handle the Black Death Plague that we created ourselves. The game is NOT complete but for a 3 Day Jam, we overpromise and underdeliver.

We are submitting this game for Ludum Dare. It's our first official game and we are really proud of it, A little too over-ambitious, though.

All assets except one were created by ourselves.

Credit for BGM:

Kevin MacLeod ~ Shamanistic (YouTube)

Tools used:






DarkestDeath.rar 229 MB

Install instructions

Installation: Download the .rar file and extract it. Run DarkestDeath.exe to play the game.

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